ABL   Alliance for Braille Literacy

Title:  NUBS Condensed Writeup
Author: Dr. Abraham Nemeth

Description:  As a description of this work please refer to the Preface to the   
              work as presented below:

      This preface is used only in the condensed version.  It is use to explain 
      the rationale used in determining which sections to include, which ones to 
      modify and which ones to omit.  In general, the rule was dependent on how 
      critical each section is to the understanding of the basic concepts NUBS.  
      A significant amount of text that has been omitted is very interesting and 
      well worth the time to read and understand.  However, if it was not necessary
      to the understanding of the basic concepts of NUBS, it was omitted.
	  We cannot emphasize enough that this document  IN NO WAY can serve as a 
      replacement for the full NUBS document.  It has been produced only to provide 
      a condensed edition for those who are interested in this proposal from the 
      perspective of determining the feasibility and utility of NUBS.  It will never 
      serve as a replacement for the original document that covers many additional 
      elements of the System.  Understanding these elements is essential to a full 
      understanding of NUBS.

Downloads: NUBS Condensed Writeup  (PDF format)
           NUBS Condensed Writeup  (RTF format)
           NUBS Condensed Writeup  (BRF format as a ZIP file)