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Title: Peering Through the Sands of Time 
Author: Pola Lem 

Description:  For centuries, if archaeologists wanted to find
              an ancient or mythical site, they trudged through 
              desert sands or rainforest thickets armed with 
              little more than rumors and hand-drawn maps. 
              They worked from historical accounts and biblical 
              texts and a lot of educated guesswork. But all of 
              that changed in the late 20th century when some of 
              them began using a new tool: remote sensing. By 
              gathering data and images from satellites and aircraft,
              researchers began to uncover a wealth of new finds.
              Read about it all in this interesting article.
              This item is transcribed into ABT and BRF formats and
              includes a title page in RTF format.  The actual article
              is also included in DOCX format.  All is packaged as a
              ZIP file for speedy download.   

Downloads: Peering Through the Sands of Time  (ZIP)